Buchpräsentation und Lesung von der Autorin Julia Felder: “Becoming More of What We Are” im Rahmen eines "Impuls-Abends von Frauen gestaltet"

Donnerstag, 12. März, 19:30 Uhr
Sennhus Lauterach
Lerchenauerstraße 8, 6923 Hohenems
Gestaffelte Eintrittspreise
Um Anmeldung wird gebeten unter: lisa@kollaborationskultur.com

Zum Buch:
The increasing output-oriented effectivity and regulatory power of socio-economic structures fail to meet human potentials for personal, social and political unfolding. Targeting the patterns of behaviour that underlie these structures, the author investigates in possibilities for transformation that arise from the awareness of needs within the political subject. What can this awareness mean and what are possible ways to foster awareness of own needs? The author gives a critical overview of different understandings of needs and connects it to practical aspects, leading towards an own approach of doing what we have to do, in order to be who we are.

Becoming More of What We Are